Friday, May 29, 2009

Robots Part 2

Yes at first I did think they were human but then after a while I saw that what ever I asked they either changed the topic or reveresed my question with another question. So after that happened I started to figure is wasnt a real person. Some of the questions I asked them was how old they were and how was there day. I asked them that to see what they would say and sure enough they replied. But once they replied they changed the question. I think its hard to pass the Turning Test because its hard to make robots reply to everything a person says. I really liked talking to the robots because it was cool to see what they would say and how they would say it.

Robots Part 1..

The difference between a humanoid and android is that a humanoid have a hum like form ex. legs, arms, hands. A android is designed as real people ex. eye movement, skin texture. Androids skin is made up of silicone. The uncanny valley is when the robot is horrible and sinks down to the bottom of the chart. Something robots will never posses is that they will never be able to keep tract on the conversation. The other thing they will never posses would be not having bones like the humans have.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Customized Dunks And AirMax


I would choose B. No Way!! Not In A Million Years. Just because I feel like hes the one doesn't mean I'm Gonna send him a naked pic. I feel sorry for the girl who committed suicide because her boyfriend showed everyone and that's not nice. It was really wrong.

Dear Boyfriend,

NO NO NO NO AND NO!!!!. I will not send you a pic of me without my "gear". Its simply gross. We've only been dating for 2 months. That's not a very longtime and I'm not gonna get I'm trouble. Did you know that??? Well sending nude pics is illegal and I'm not getting myself into any trouble. Who knows, you might show everyone. I just cant trust you. Your probably gonna break up with me once you get the pic and I'm not going through any humiliation with my friends I cant believe you have the nerve to ask me of a nude pic. I'm sorry but I'm NOT sending it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Parts of a Sneaker

Never Ever

My mom has always provided me with ways on how not to live my life. I mean for me its just to get as much education as possible so I can have a great career. I would not want to be like the people you see on the street asking for money. I just believe that even if school is too hard for you to handle, don't quit. I don't wanna be a high school drop out. If anything I know I'm gonna try my best at everything I do and if I didn't do a good job ill just keep going. To me life is about making mistakes and learning from them.

My Sneaker Collage

Friday, March 27, 2009

High School...... Not really there yet

wow! High school is great! Ive meet hundreds of kids that have the same interest as me. My classes are good. I joined tons of teams like the basketball team, the kickball team, the soccer team and the tennis team. The classrooms are super big and everyone has an individual desk. In math class we work in groups and always have work to do. In social studies we also have our own desk and our teacher is really strict. If he hears us talking he is gonna write us up. That's the class I dont like so much. In science we have our lab groups and lab tables which is really cool. We get to do experiments like everyday. The gym is enormous. It has 6 basketball courts and tons of room for everyone. The school days seem shorter. .We get out at 2.00 and we can come back for after school. The teachers are great and really nice. I am still doing great. The work here is pretty easy but its only the first week. My friends are the best. They support me when ever I need it. They are funny and smart and love to play sports. Although I do miss all my friends. Like Gabby, Tinice, Kiana, Omayra, Catherine, and tons of others. I mean those are the original. There might be another Gabby or another Tinice but they will never be the original Tinice or Gabby. I also miss drinking and seeing coffee[insider]. I miss all the teachers too like Mr. Lahana. I miss your {corny but funny} raps. Anyway I got to finish my homework. Ill write back when I can :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Saint Patricks Day

Tomorrow is saint Patrick's Day and I'm happy. I'm not Irish but I love the color green so look forward to seeing me dress in green :)

The Break In: Girlfriends Story

A) Contact the king of the Internet and have him banned for life.

B) He’s a Stalker, change your identity.

C) Tell him that if he likes you he needs to trust you.

I would chose C) Tell him that if he likes you he needs to trust you.

1. Pretend you are the girlfriend in this video. Write a break-up email to your boyfriend now that you know he broke into your social networking account. Include all the reasons that led to your decision to break up with him.

Dear Boyfriend,

I am breaking up with you because you tried to break into my networking account. You've been on my back asking me where I'm at or who I'm with. Its getting annoying.
Its like you are everywhere even when I know your not. Do you know what its like to feel like someone is watching you? Well I do and that's why I'm breaking up with you. Its like you never trust me and that's not what I want in a relationship. I'm young and I'm going through alot but you just make it worst by texting me.

Garbage Inspiration

This is my diagram of what happens when it is picked up on the street until it reaches the landfill.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Break In: Boyfriends Story

a) Break into her page when she’s not around and check her messages.

b) Hire a private detective

c) Just ask her. Her reaction will say it all

I would pick A) Break into her page when shes not around and check her messages. I would do that because if I were to confront her she would probably lie her way out. At least if I check her page I can get some of the truth. Online people would bash other people but not say it to their face. They would spread rumors or talk about people. I would care if someone knew my password because I believe its wrong. Because if someone knows my password they would go on and write stuff I didn't write.

P.s This is from the point of view of the boy not me.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Text Monster Story

***My Over Protective Boyfriend***

Uhhh! My boyfriend keeps text messaging me. Its not just constantly texting me its that he keeps asking me where I'm at and who I'm with. Its gets really annoying. At school he comes up to me and gives me this whole speech on how I should answer him because he worries about me. Please! The only think he worries about is me not cheating on him. Its not like I hate him (because I don't) but after a while it just make my day more boring. I feel like changing my number so he could leave me alone or change schools. Either wont help I'm gonna have to talk to him and tell him to chill out.

**The Next Day**

I have been waiting here in front of Shawn's locker and he has yet to arrived. Another 10 minutes pass and I finally see Shawn walking my way. He finally reaches me and gives me a look.

"What's your problem" I tell him.

"My problem? My problem is that I call you and you don't pick up. That's my problem" he yelled.

" Well sorry if I don't feel like talking to my boyfriend who is CONSTANTLY texting me" I yelled back.

"You know what I don't have to deal with this. I try to be a good boyfriend but instead you rather ignore me and see other people behind my back" He told me.

"What? I am not seeing anyone besides you" I then added.

He took another look at me and left. I sighed and walked to my next class. Throughout my next couple of classes I was thinking if I should break up with Shawn. I finally came to a conclusion. I am going to break up with him. He's always giving me a hard time when I'm being honest. At lunch time my phone starts to ring. I get another text message and guess from who. If you guessed Shawn then your right. The message read:

Dear My EX Girfriend

Sorry but I found someone who actually calls me and isn't like you. We are through.

I couldn't t help but wonder who he is dating but I was happy he broke up with me. And that is the story of me and my over protective boyfriend.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Glogster: My Second Fav Wrestler

This is a glogster about Chris Jericho

This is the Wikipedia link

Heres the Glogster

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today is Thursday February 19. Not that today means anything but I just wanted to post so you guys know what I was up to during this week off. Well, (I'm being totally serious here) I stood home, read online fan fiction, and watched some YouTube clips on my channel. I just stood on the computer all day throughout the week. Many people might be asking why a girl like me would stay home all week. Theres a good explanation for that.......... or maybe there isn't. My current plans for my blog? I'm gonna post more (obviously) and make a couple more glogs. Oh and the countdown to my birthday which is in 53 more days!!!!! APRIL 13

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Hey Amanda here. Just wanna wish every one a happy Valentines Day. Hope you guys get something from your admirer.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just My Thoughts....

I just listened to If I were a boy AGAIN and now this song makes me wonder if theres a guy who is actually \nice and I wonder if they would find that special someone. Sometimes they are right in front of your face. Is there a guy out there that actually cares about her needs and really helps her out when shes depressed? I wonder if there are any more of those nice guys out there. Guys these days just use girls for their own. Even though you might have to search for that special someone very hard it might pay off.

Text Monster: Girlfriends Side

I chose C. Just Talk To Him And find out whats going on. I picked that because its a good way to find out whats going on. But its also bad to ask him whats going on because he might lie. Technology has helped friendships because people know more about me and come to see that I'm a great person. Well talking through the computer is way different from talking face to face because through a computer people say rumors online but dont have the guts to say it in peoples faces. Face to face is more like the truth but saying it online is like lying or trying to make someone super mad. That's just what I think.

Text Monster

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cute Little Frog

Awwwwww!!!! Check out that frog. Its so cute. Mainly becuase its green. It has the cutest biggest eyes in the word. Its has a big head and a big stomach. Who else thinks this frog is cute? Leave me a comment :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Text Monster

I picked choice B which was Tell him he needs to trust me and give me some space . I picked that because it seems like the only logical thing to do. I mean why would you tell him that your phone it broken he might pull you aside at school and have a LONG conversation. The other one is just dumb. I would never move away because some guy is texting me like crazy. If I had to make up my own choice it would have been to dump him. I mean if he doesn't trust me and isn't givin me the space I need why would I wanna keep lettin that happen. It might get really annoying. I have never (or not that I know of) had to deal with a TEXT MONSTER. But as a blogger I like to entertain so I will make one up just not yet. I have to finish my last Blood Diamond post and I can start the story

Diamonds Could Be Cheap...

De Beers buys the diamonds. De Beers wants us to think that a diamond is so valuable and so rare that we have to pay A LOT just to have buy them. De Beers controlled about 90% of uncut or rough diamonds. De Beers is like a monopoly. They buy everything and make buisnesses close so that they can run everything and get even more money. In the De Beers ads, magazines, movies etc they support the company by saying that getting diamonds are nice but they are not telling diamond buyers they REAL side of finding diamonds. I found the video a little hard to understand but from what I wrote above I wrote what I understoon about the video

Thursday, January 29, 2009

If I were a boy......

I just listened to "If I were a boy" By Beyonce. Beyonce thinks all guys take advantage of women and for granted. Beyonce thinks that the guys don't know what the women goes through when they don't feel love but when they break up the guys wants the girl back. I agree with her because its true. Men don't know what women go through while they drink with there friends or don't spend much time with her. But then again all guys are not like that.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reading Tests are Finally Done!!

Yay the reading tests are done. I thought the tests were quite easy but I didnt like the essays. We still got a couple of more tests including the math, science, and social studies but once that over we will be test free :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Best In The Buisness

Here is a tribute to one of my favorite wwe wrestlers. His name is Shawn Michaels alo known as HBK, The Headliner, The Icon, Mr. Wrestlemania. For those of you who dont know him you should be ashamed lol im joking..

This is the link to know more about HBK.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My New Music Player

Check out my new music player. I just wanna say thanks to Sabrina for finding this. Its too cool. Oh and if you have song requests tell me and I will add them.


Immigrant Detention Centers

I just played this game. It was about jail and why people are in it. The facilities are horrible. The bathroom was ridiculous. There are no doors. No privacy and sometimes sexual assault can happen. And its right next to the food court. I mean imagine eating while smelling crap or a dead rat. There are nearly 80 people sharing 6 toilets. The cells are very small. You can hardly walk around. The beds are so uncomfortable. The cells are sturdy, have no windows, and very cold. Sometimes 3 people have to hare a cell and when they add another bed there is definitely no room to move. The inmates can hardly sleep because the officers leave the lights on. In the cafeteria people hardly eat. I mean they serve food but its watery and tasteless. The inmates still get hungry. The medical care. I can say alot about that. If someone gets injured, they don't get help. That's crazy! Playing this game made me feel that immigrants/people deserve to be treated better than that. Cops these days pull people over because of there race when they real bad guys are still out there. I think the U.S should treat immigrants better by just giving them a break or something. There was this inmates story really caught my attention. She was stopped over and sent to jail becuase she didnt have a license. The problem was she was pregnant. She left her kids crying and soon gave birth. They handcuffed her arms and legs to the hospital bed and she wasnt allowed to feed her baby or go to the bathroom. It just broke my heart!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Instructional Manual For Life

I just watch this video. Its about a family who goes by everything in the book Instructional Manual For Life. They follow the book because they are terrified of challenge, difference, change. I disagree with its message because even if you read a book to rule your world, change, difference and a challenge will happen along the way. Its so boring being the same and not getting to do the daredevil stuff. Learning from your mistakes makes you even smarter. Its okay to go out and do something because you know that you actually did it and will get other chances to try harder.

My Math Haikus

These are my 3 Math Haikus.

Math gets me sleepy
I mean looking at numbers
Makes me so dizzy

I am exhausted
Working on these math problems
We need a long break

Math makes my head hurt
Math problems are very hard
I just wanna quit

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Glogster!!!!

>This Glogster is one about my favorite cars from all years and all brands. These are just some. Not all. Enjoy.


I love shopping don't you guys? Its fun to shop for clothes and cool accessories to match your outfits. I especially love to shop for shoes. When I hit the mall I go to shoe stores before I hit the toy stores. I feel like I'm in my own world when I enter a shoe store. My favorite part of going shopping is getting to strut my new stuff and be a show off. Joking. So do you, my fellow bloggers, like to shop?

This picture is an actually picture of where I go shopping to buy my stuff. Its called the Newport Centre Mall and its right across the Holland Tunnel. Its super big. You guys should check it out. You might just see me :) Oh and the FOOD COURT is great!!!

Hey Peoples

Hey Whats up everyone. As we know the ELA tests are coming up and kids need to do there best so they wont fail. I myself have been doing lots of stuff to prepare but I try not to over work so I wont be stressed out during the test. I think I'm ready but then again I just don't like tests. Peace EveryonE!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


The three images in the video were astronauts, school kids, and people who fly planes. For each picture I saw in the video Chevron put that there because they wanted us to think that they help make the world a better place by finding new energy.They want us to think that they are like heroes. They want us to think that they care about nature But thats not what the activists believe. The activists believe that Chevron dumps all of there toxic waste. They three images they show are the toxic in the ground clogging up the land, on the bottom of the video they show a headline saying the deaths that happened because of what Chevron is doing, and the last thing I see is a chart showing that they pass there limit for the spill

My Glogster Poster

Heres my Glogster Poster. It is a continuation from my last 2 posts,

Dream Decoding


To see food in your dream, represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies. The different types of food can symbolize a wide range of things. Generally, fruit is symbolic of sensuality. Frozen foods may imply your cold emotions and frigid ways. Eating certain foods refers to qualities that you need to incorporate within your own self.

To dream that you are hording or storing food, indicates a fear of deprivation. You do not trust what you already have.

To see or eat stale food in your dream, suggests that you are feeling sluggish and emotionally drained. You need to be invigorated and revitalized. To eat bad-tasting food, indicates some sourness or resentment in your emotional state of mind.

Monday, January 5, 2009

My Dream

My dream was that I was in CandyLand and there was so much food. The problem was that the food was bigger than me. I was not running from the food. Instead I was eating it. Even though that dream was short I cant remember what happened next. I tend to enter different dreams. Anyway in a different post I will interpret the dream.

My Christmas

Wow Christmas was the best. I got everything I wanted. I got a blackberry storm, 200 dollars in cash, clothes, boots, and thats all I can remember. For New years I was so knocked out that I fell asleep once it was 12 am. Anyway that was ow my New Year and Christmas. Oh and during the break I was finishing the packets we received.