Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stolen Laptop Story Part 2

When I had finally reached the house, I locked the doors and zoomed up to my room. I took a deep breath and looked to my hand to see that I was still holding the mac book. I thought the mac book had fallen because I was running quicker then usual. I plugged in the charger to the mac book and turned it on. The computer was in great shape and was working quite well. "Mark are you in here" my mom said. "Um yes give me a minute. I'm putting on my pajamas" I said while putting the mac under my pillow. My mom came in and sat right next to me. She was talking about getting me the laptop Ive always wanted (which was the one I stole because I knew my mom was never gonna get me one) for doing good in school. She left my room and I quickly took out the mac book. Now I had to really think. Here's what I could do: I could return the laptop and face my punishment which will be not getting the laptop & getting timeout or I could hide the laptop my whole life. I really had trouble deciding. I layed down on my bed just thinking.While I was sleeping I had plenty of people telling me or should I say helping me with my desion. The people in my dream was my math teacher and the guy who loves to steal. The teacher was telling me to return the laptop while the other guy was telling me to sell it so I could make a couple of bucks. Morning had come and still no different from yesterday. Feeling guily but still unsure of what to do. When I got to school the security took me to aside and asked me if I knew what happened yesterday. I said I didn't know who was here yesterday. When I go out of school I ran home to see if my mom had spotted the laptop. But she didn't. I went straight to the mac book and cleaned it up. I still didn't know what to do. I felt real bad that I stole a laptop because I didn't pay for the laptop and I just wanted one so I can show it off to my friends. Plus my mom was getting me one for having good grades. That made me feel real bad. I had made up my mind. The sun had rose and so did I. I grabbed the mac book and went to school. At school to the technology teacher and told him everything. I ended up doing extra work and getting detention for 2 weeks. Well at least I did the right thing by returning the laptop.

MESSAGE: That's what I'm trying to get at people. If you steal do the right thing and return it. You might get in trouble but at least you know you did the right thing. Even if your friends approve of you stealing, don't listen to them.

1 comment:

lahana said...

...great writing and EXCELLENT advice for those students with **sticky** hands.