Friday, October 17, 2008

Child Farm Workers part 2

What causes Joseanna to drop out is missing out on all of her school work and it makes it difficult to understand her school work after being gone so much. The MET program also know as Motivation, Education, and training helps to keep kids in school by paying them a minimum of money for them to go to school and to stay away form the farms. The MET is a good program because they want child farm workers to have a life and to be something big in life. The child farm workers are no different from us. The only difference is that they have to work on farms.

Bonus Question: Okay first I will walk in to the store and look around. Then I would walk up to the manager and ask him "Do you know where this food comes from". And if he says no I'm gonna have to tell him a long speech on where the food comes from and why you shouldn't eat it.

1 comment:

MrSullivan said...

"The child farm workers are no different from us." Exactly! These are people just like any other, but because they're families are stuck in poverty, they are taken out of school to work, fall behind and eventually drop out. Just like you, I think the MET program is doing a great job helping out kids who have been harmed by being child laborers in the US - now, if we can convince more people to take action, we might be able to stop children from being put to work instead of spending time in school and get the adults who work on these farms better wages as well.