Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stolen Laptop Story Part 2

When I had finally reached the house, I locked the doors and zoomed up to my room. I took a deep breath and looked to my hand to see that I was still holding the mac book. I thought the mac book had fallen because I was running quicker then usual. I plugged in the charger to the mac book and turned it on. The computer was in great shape and was working quite well. "Mark are you in here" my mom said. "Um yes give me a minute. I'm putting on my pajamas" I said while putting the mac under my pillow. My mom came in and sat right next to me. She was talking about getting me the laptop Ive always wanted (which was the one I stole because I knew my mom was never gonna get me one) for doing good in school. She left my room and I quickly took out the mac book. Now I had to really think. Here's what I could do: I could return the laptop and face my punishment which will be not getting the laptop & getting timeout or I could hide the laptop my whole life. I really had trouble deciding. I layed down on my bed just thinking.While I was sleeping I had plenty of people telling me or should I say helping me with my desion. The people in my dream was my math teacher and the guy who loves to steal. The teacher was telling me to return the laptop while the other guy was telling me to sell it so I could make a couple of bucks. Morning had come and still no different from yesterday. Feeling guily but still unsure of what to do. When I got to school the security took me to aside and asked me if I knew what happened yesterday. I said I didn't know who was here yesterday. When I go out of school I ran home to see if my mom had spotted the laptop. But she didn't. I went straight to the mac book and cleaned it up. I still didn't know what to do. I felt real bad that I stole a laptop because I didn't pay for the laptop and I just wanted one so I can show it off to my friends. Plus my mom was getting me one for having good grades. That made me feel real bad. I had made up my mind. The sun had rose and so did I. I grabbed the mac book and went to school. At school to the technology teacher and told him everything. I ended up doing extra work and getting detention for 2 weeks. Well at least I did the right thing by returning the laptop.

MESSAGE: That's what I'm trying to get at people. If you steal do the right thing and return it. You might get in trouble but at least you know you did the right thing. Even if your friends approve of you stealing, don't listen to them.


I Left the house in a hurry to go to school. As soon as I walked out all eyes were on me. They looked confused and probably asking themselves what is she doing. I put my head down and walked even quicker. Once I opened the wooden doors of school I knew I had arrived to the bully zone. Everyone watched as I walked through the hallways that seemed endless to open my locker. I had finally gotten to my locker and heard plenty of people whispering. One of them started telling jokes about me and everyone started laughing. I felt so humiliated. I ran to the bathroom as quick as I could. I took out my cellphone and called my older brother who I should say was the greatest scientist alive. He was in at my dads house which was like and hour away. I asked my brother to come home after school to help me with an experiment. After that quick phone call I went to class. Throughout class everyone was throwing paper balls at me saying why I look the way I look. After a while I got tired so I got out of my seat and stood up in front of the class. "Hey the only reason why I look like a ladybug is because I woke up like this" I said. "Yeah right stop lying" said someone behind a girl with 2 pony tails. The teacher told me to sit down and stop fooling around so he could get back to teaching. I sunk onto the floor and was dying for school to end. Which in time it did. I walked down the stairs and exited the building as quick as I could. I went home to be questioned by my brother. He first said what everyone else said. "What happened to you.? "I don't know I woke up like this. Do you have anything to make me normal again?" "I can whip a potion up but it will take at least a day" he said. "Oh man I got to go to school to be humiliated again" I said while sighing. As the conversation went on I ignored him. My mom had walked through the door in shock to see me and my brother. Of course my mom was asking me tons of questions which I ignored. "Oh wait I know how to change you" my brother said. "Well cmon start" I said. My brother grabbed my hand and flew me out the door. He dragged me all the way to the store and bought a couple of items though I couldn't see what they were. Once we arrived home my brother grabbed a test tube and started mixing the items up. When he was done, he held the tube up. He told me to try the liquid that looked sort of like a green gelatin. I took the tube and drank it. It tasted weird at first but soon I felt myself changing. I looked at my hands and saw that they were getting thicker and my feet were getting bigger. In minutes I became me again. I had hair, teeth, clothes, and no spots. I even had the biggest appetite I ever had. I thanked my brother and for now I felt better. But I still wondered what that was all about and what would the the kids say now.

That was the day I was TRANSFORMED!!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008


The alarm clock woke me up at 9:00. I had gotten up almost not moving an inch. I stood still for a few minutes to get fully awake. I rose off the bed and headed to the bathroom. I felt real funny because I felt my body had no weight as if I had burned it in the gym. The bathroom door had been opened so I walked right in. I turned on the sink while adjusting the water temperatures. I scooped up a handful of water and felt my skin all rough. "Oh My Gosh" I said so shocked. I went to open my eyes all the way and saw someone who didn't look like "me". I had just realized I, out of everything else that happened to me, had become a ladybug. I forced my eyes shut to see if it was all a dream but it wasn't. I had been TRANSFORMED. Many questions ran through my head. Why am I ladybug?. How did I become a ladybug?. Why am I not me?. I walked out the bathroom and examined myself in a full length mirror. My legs and arms were really skinny and I had wings with 6 spots on each side. I still had to go to school because today was picture day and I couldn't miss that. My hands hardly had power to put my shoes on. I wondered what kids will say when this see me as a ladybug. What will they call me? I had to make up an excuse but this excuse had to be good. Oh I had it. I could tell everyone that was my Halloween costume. Being a lady bug will change my life mainly because I'm not capable of doing all the stuff I used to do. I would fly and ill have to eat whatever ladybugs eat which wont be cheeseburgers or fries. I will still be the real me inside because only my outside changed not my inside.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stolen Laptop

People would steal a laptop from our school because the laptops are nice, they are too poor to buy their own, to sell it on ebay and make a big bucks and fourth because they are just jerks. This is wrong because your stealing school property, you wouldnt like it if someone stole something from you and last but no least you sure didnt pay for it. This is the kind of world we live in. We live in a world of Lying, Cheating and Stealing. Although a nice world will just never happen. The person who stole it sure doesnt have a heart.


The Day I Stole a Macbook (even though i didnt)

Its 5:00 pm and im here in the park waiting for all the teachers to leave so I can make my move. I see plenty of teachers leave in a group and see the security closing the entrance doors. They stare at me as if they know me and I turned away quickly. I turned back to see if they left and they did. I went to get the ladder I had hid in the garbage. I carried it to the stone floors and made my way up. I didnt look back. I just kept going. I had finally reached the top and looked down one final time to see if anyway was around. I found a door and took the stairs down to the internet cafe. I twisted the door but it didnt open. I took a key out of my pocket and started to pick the lock. "Yes I opened it" I said. I walked throughout the room until I found what I was looking for. THE MACBOOK. I opened the laptop doors and saw nothing but white mac books. I grabbed one and took a seat down. I turned it on a started browsing the laptop. The noise of footsteps scared the living hec out of me. I grabbed the laptop and a charger and left. I ran as quick as I could back to where the ladder was waiting for me. I climed down the ladder with the laptop in my hand. Once I reached the stone floor bottom, I ran for my life


The test we took during talent

Okay while taking the test I learned that im moderately expressed extravert, slightly expressed sensing personality, moderately expressed feeling personality, and moderately expressed judging personality. Well yes I do know what I want to be when I get older. I would love for more than anything in the world is to become a pro wnba player. No i dont think this will help me at all because its from the point of view of a computer its not really me. I just think it wont help. This will only help if believe it but to me I dont like the idea at all

Friday, October 17, 2008

Child Farm Workers part 2

What causes Joseanna to drop out is missing out on all of her school work and it makes it difficult to understand her school work after being gone so much. The MET program also know as Motivation, Education, and training helps to keep kids in school by paying them a minimum of money for them to go to school and to stay away form the farms. The MET is a good program because they want child farm workers to have a life and to be something big in life. The child farm workers are no different from us. The only difference is that they have to work on farms.

Bonus Question: Okay first I will walk in to the store and look around. Then I would walk up to the manager and ask him "Do you know where this food comes from". And if he says no I'm gonna have to tell him a long speech on where the food comes from and why you shouldn't eat it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Child Farm Worker

My day is torture. I have to make food, rugs, and clothing. Everyday I have to pick up seeds one at a time. IT hurts my back alot. When im working outside im exposed to heat and cold. It makes me feel like im dying because im working for nearly 14 hours or more. I do very poorly in school because I dont even go to school. I would love to go to school so I can have a good education and so I can get a real job. I worry about getting sick from the chemicals they spray to kill bugs and bacteria. My parents make me work so that I can help them earn money. Which is quite a little bit of money. I work to give my parents a better life. This is just like being a slave.

To help others I would refuse foods to buy foods that were picked by exploited workers. Everyone should refuse food that were picked by exploited workers because they work their butts off for people not to appericate what they did.