Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Thief In The Night

I think he believes that when you die you are reborn. That you are given another chance to be born again in another soul.

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Child Labor Poster

Heres my very first Child Labor poster.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

When I take a long look in the mirror this is what I see

I see a girl who wants to accomplish something. I see a girl who tries her very best and always succeeds. I see a girl who understands the importance in life. I see me as an inspiration to others and also as a role model. I see myself as a hero and maybe even and example to kids. I see myself having a good job and wit a pretty decent house. I see myself as a athlete. I see my self a passionate person. Overall I see myself as me.

(This is another out of the blue topic)

The saddest moment in my life (I picked the pic because I loved the eye color lol)

Well I got bored so I went online to find a good topic. I really liked the title topic because I have a sad moment. Well the saddest moment has to be when my dad's brother died in a car accident. It happened in Pennsylvania around the midday. I wasn't with him but my dad's sister called him up and told him. He was riding in his car to go to a doctors appointment when he slipped off the road and his car completely crashed. At first I thought they were playing a trick on me but I saw my dad get really emotional because his brother is so close to him. When we go to Pennsylvania we stop by his grave and just get emotional. Well I don't wanna go any further because I'm starting to get a little emotional myself but that has got to be the saddest moment for me

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today I won two awards. One for great attendance and one for always doing my work and always doing what I am told to do. I feel so honored because all that hard work payed off. I just wish they gave out awards for every subject. I just love awards. They mean so much to me. Anyway I have to go. Dont worry ill post more. And Im almost done wit my child labor poster. That should be uploaded soon.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Most Expensive Thing I Ever Bought

Um well I really dont know what I regret buying. I mean I love what I buy because I picked it out. Oh maybe I regret buying my ipod nano because I never use it and because Im not really good at adding music to it. Once I get something new i play with it for like a week and then ill just stop playing it until something new comes out. Im not saying I wish I never got the ipod nano im just saying I never use it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Gold Miner

I'm a gold miner. Everyday I have to wake up early and search for gold. I don't even get enough money to support my family and I. No I never have any fun nor am I ever happy because I work so much. I wish I had a normal life with lots of friends and to go to school. I want to learn so much but I'm wasting my time searching for gold. While we search for gold we use a chemical called Mercury. It is a chemical that attracts gold. I'm some what scared because I could get sick from the chemical. When I carry heavy gold I often get cuts and I don't even take a break. Some times I just feel my legs go numb by the amount I'm carrying. My back aches and it doesn't go away. I want to get a good education or at least a little bit of learning so life wont be so hard.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Five Senses, Minus one

Wow this is a hard question and quite frankly I don't know. Which sense would I give up? Sight- I need it to see what I'm doing and what I'm eating. Hearing- I need to hear all the gossip that goes. Taste- I need to taste my food. Smell- well I need to smell the food that people cook. Touch- I need to touch my food. I really don't know which to give up. I might give up hearing but if I had to give up something I wont



I remember the first time I lost my hearing. I was traveling to Texas to visit my grandparents. We took a break at a gas station. I went to go get a drink and to use the bathroom. Once I bought my drink I walked into a dirty bathroom. I did my business and went to wash my hands. As I went to wet my face water had gotten in my ear. I had noticed the water had been super dirty. I felt my ears getting huge as if a bee stung my ears. I ran out the bathroom and ran to my mom. I told her my ears were hurting me and I waited for an answer. I stood waiting for like a solid 3 minutes. My mom shook me. But I still didn't hear an answer. I told her again but louder. Then I did something I would never do. I did some thinking. I asked my mom to grab my a paper and a pen. On that paper and pen I told her I couldn't hear a word she was saying and to hurry and take me to grandmas house. She took the drivers seat and drove off (with me inside). Mom was driving past speed limit because the wind was my blowing back my lips and face. I couldn't even talk. My mom had stopped by a pharmacy on the way and got me that ear medicine stuff that doesnt do anything. She dropped 2 drops of liquid into both my ears and shook them a bit. Any way to make the story short when we finally reached my grandparents house my ears started to clear up and the sweeling reduced. In minutes I could hear again. And thats the story of how I lost my hearing for a day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama

Yes Obama being voted president means alot to me because hes the first African American president and I do believe that change can happen. I mean he mad history by becoming the FIRST African American president. People always use to say they will never be a black president by he proved the world wrong. In a way he signified change because instead of white presidents there is now a African American president. I believe he could make the world better then what it is or was. As president I hope he can lower the price of college. I know I got a long way but its not only for the benefit of me it also can apply for other people. I mean I would love to go to college but the prices are too high. I just want Obama to make as much change as he can.