Monday, December 22, 2008

Mrs. Silverstein



Friday, December 19, 2008

Bag the Bags

The bags we throw out go to the sea or ocean. That is bad because they animals that live in the sea eat the bags and end up choking on it. The sea animals mistake it for food. To help and not cause deaths we can recycle the bags we use instead of disposing them. You can refuse the plastic bags and come with your own bag.

I will post a toondoo soon okay. Peace!

PetLand's Secret

Dear PetLand,

I just watched a video on where you get your puppies. You should stop supporting Puppy Mills because they treat there animals like machines and products not living creatures. Animals raised in puppy mills lack in attention, medical care, clean food, and shelter. And they are sold everywhere at pet stores around the world. You should stop supporting puppy mills because every year animals die because no one buys them. I mean have you seen the way the puppies in the puppy mills are treated. They live in cages with minimum room. Imagine you living like that. Not nice right? This is why you should stop supporting puppy mills.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Losing My Friends To Weed......... (Not Actually Me)

I just read a short story about a kid who has to choose between having friends or staying away from drugs. You can read it here .

I think the decision Jamel made was a good one because he didn't smoke. He did the right thing by refusing the blunt that was going around. It was hard for him to choose because he wanted to stay healthy and because he didn't want his friends to think he was a mama's boy or a sissy. No I haven't been pressured for something I thought was wrong but I know that you have to make the right decision and not make the wrong one. Just cuz ur friends do something that to them seems cool but to you it doesn't, you don't have to follow their decision.

** Extra Credit **

Um I think some kids want other kids to go along with what they are doing because they might want to mess with the other person or they are too scared to try it alone. I think it is hard for people to accept others differently because they may want everyone to be like them and they might think its cool.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Nasty Concoction

I would add lettuce, ketchup, and raw eggs. I remember doing this when I was a kid so I have a story. My sister and I got up way before our parents and decided to make us something to eat. We went to the kitchen an got lettuce, eggs, ketchup, olive oil and marshmallows. We mixed it all together and it looked gross. I dared my sister to try it and she insisted that we try it at the same time. So I grabbed two spoons and gave one to my sister. Instead she tricked me and I ate it by myself. It was disgusting. I almost threw up.


When I was young I use to play duck duck goose and under the legs tags. I don't think it was weird but if you see me playing it now it seem weird.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Stopping Pet Homeless

To be a responsible pet owner means that you take care of your pet and play with it. A responsible pet owner means that you don't treat your pet like it doesn't matter and are always treating it like if it was and actual human. Dogs have feelings too! To help stop pet population people can get their pets spayed or neutered. If you don't then the dog will have up to six babies and when those 6 babies grow up they will have more and more puppies. In total there will be alot of dogs who will need alot of homes. To stop homelessness we can adopt a pet from the shelter.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Animal Cruelty :[

Animal Cruelty is when people abuse their pets. They abuse them by hitting them, kicking them, not feeding them, punching them almost anything physical. Also a lot of people make their dogs fight (dogfighting) and they can get seriously hurt. Well we can do a lot of things to prevent animal cruelty. We can get help, tell people to be responsible,get people to listen and not to be cruel to animals, and we can start a club. Those are the things we can all do and will make a difference in animals life.

Heres a cartoon (its pretty good)
